Monday, October 6

Name Change

I want to change the spelling of my name.
to the irish spelling.
maria, instead of the mariah it is now.
so what if people pronouce it wrong, i can correct them.

1 comment:

cavaan said...

hmmm i've always thought mariah was more interesting, but i get what you mean, so many people would miss-pronounce it!

"another stereotypical blog, another person looking for someone to listen, notice. someplace to express my talents (or lack of). ranting, empty thoughts written in cyberspace. fashion, life, feelings, me.
hope you enjoy, find something that affects you, changes your outlook, maybe. if you do, please help me change mine."

haha i love your intro, i find it very selfish at times, that i even have a blog, revolved around... me.

lol =S